The fastest software in
Resource Optimization
for transportation.
Freeway empowers the integration of electric fleets into public transport systems, providing advanced technology that optimizes the planning and operation of these vehicles. With a focus on optimizing electric fleets, the platform considers key factors such as autonomy and charging points, ensuring efficient routes that maximize uptime and minimize energy costs. This solution not only increases the profitability and sustainability of fleets, but also promotes sustainable mobility, aligning with the goals of modern and green public transport technology.
Freeway® is the fastest resource optimization software, designed to facilitate operational analysis of transportation companies. Developed by Helice R&D Group S.A.S., Freeway® is the only tool that uses parallel computing techniques to take full advantage of the power of multi-core processors.
The optimization of vehicles and drivers are two of the most complex planning problems in public transportation systems, since these are the most important resources for operating companies. This is why we have dedicated more than a decade to the research and development of a software solution, focused on the optimization of transportation resources, capable of producing information for operational decision-making.


We are passionate about what we do.
Customer satisfaction is our commitment.
Fair price.
Particular developments that evolve the tool, free of cost.
8x, faster than others (Parallel Computing)
Support 7x24, 365 days a year.
Implementation in record time (Low cost).
We are not a supplier, we are part of your team

R&D Group SAS
Research, develop and market innovative products to optimize operations problems of transport easily and quickly.
By doing this, we will be able to provide a better quality of life to the people who, with their work and effort, transport us every day.
Likewise, we will increase the profitability of our clients.
Innovation is the key to growth and can come from anyone and at any time.
We respect individuals and believe that people who are treated with respect and given responsibilities respond to their best efforts.
We have a sense of urgency in all situations related to our clients. We own the problems and we are always willing to give an answer.

Yilber Suarez
CEO & Co Founder
I developed my first software at the age of 14, with the aim of helping my father in the administration of his buses (TPC)
Software architecture, combinatorial mathematics and operations research have allowed me to develop one of the most powerful tools in the world for the optimization of transportation resources.

I have more than 12 years of experience in transportation system implementation processes at a national and international level. Participate in the architectural design and development process of Freeway.
Nelson Venegas
Regional Director

Systems engineer from the Francisco Jose de Caldas University, specialist in Project Management from the Piloto University of Colombia, with more than six years participating in the development of software projects, Responsible for the planning, design, development and management of Freeway.
Diego Orjuela
Director R&D

Civil Engineer specializing in design, construction and maintenance of roads; with extensive experience in infrastructure projects and operations of public passenger transportation.
Andres Garcia
Consulting Director

Giovanni Aguilar
Professional and specialist in project management with the ability to intervene in all the planning, organization, direction and control processes of any activity related to the production, design and administration of public or private business projects, aimed at promoting the development of the company within a context of high competitiveness, efficiency, equity and humanism.
Senior consultant

Esteban Gomez
Mechanical Engineer from the Industrial University of Santander UIS, specialist in Maintenance and Reliability Management. With knowledge in planning and execution of engineering projects, analysis of transportation systems, asset management, Machine Learning. With experience in mass transportation consulting, solving problems, generating value and providing support to different companies in the sector.

Industrial engineer with analytical thinking, with extensive experience in operations planning in the sector in the design of strategies that improve processes to provide optimal solutions to the operation and better use of resources. Attitude of service and willingness to solve the needs of the primary customer.
William Cordoba

Systems Engineer, MBA from the Catholic University of Chile, International Management University of California. 19 years of experience in the passenger and cargo transportation sector, among which the Transmilenio system (Bogotá - Colombia), MetroSinu (Montería - Colombia), Vehitrans (Cartagena - Colombia), TranSantiago (Santiago - Chile) stand out. ).
Diana Cuitiva
Test and Quality Analyst

Technician in administrative information production, with C.A.P SENA certification, diploma in transformative leadership COLOMBIA and Business Management Technologist. Extensive experience in customer service, in the administrative area, and HR.
Andrea Arciniegas
Management assistant
Calle 95 # 14- 45 Office 503 C Building Nine 5
+57 6016313567